Rumbles was UP on the counter!! As if that isn't bad enough, he was using the bread as a pillow!! (Rumblemum said he was 'loafing' then the humans laughed. I don't get it)
*sigh* No punishment. Of course.
"I lifted my head, no proof I was on the bread!!"
This face? This is the face that gets away with murder. |
I'm dreaming of making a FLUFFy Khat sandwich!
PeeEssWoo: My word is RUFFLE
Rumbles, you have the face of an angel=who could get mad at that face??...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Rumbles you are so sweet, how could you ever be in trouble?
It's so unfair that if good-looking cats can get away with anything, why is it then I get caught out and penalised over little things?
loafing... BOL BOL
I lurve bread so I get why he was up. I like to rip the bag open and take a bite out of each slice to make sure it's OK then throw it down on the kitchen floor to make carpet. This makes Mama mad, no idea why.
Wiki x
I've got a history of eating and attacking the bread in our howse ~ so no it's under lock and key. Tee hee. Purrsonally, I can't see wot Rumbles is supposed to have dun wrong!
Of course the humans took it in stride! Bread is SUPPOSED to be a cat pillow, isn't it?
He has your beans wrapped around his ridiculously oversized paws!
* sigh * I sympathise with good boy Inigo - he's a good lad and still Rumble can get away with THIS!!
We shall have to try that face too.
I love being on the counters. I go there every day! But I never got to have a bread pillow.
I'm always on the counter! Goldie and Shade don't have the guts!
I will have to try and do it when the bread is out and not in that box thingy.
Purrs Banshee
You want to know what keeps Suey off the counter? A water pistol. Maybe you could get yourself one ;)
Oh Rumbles, you are a hoot! So are your beans. That's my kind of humour -- "loafing" around! Haha!
You are indeed one magnificent dude! Looking good!
"Loafing around" Hahahahahahaha!
When you're that gorgeous, you *can* get away with all sorts of naughty things.
That photo shows a real "slice" of life at your house! (MOL!) Seriously, we think it's the pink nose that helps you get away with stuff. No one can yell at a cat with a pink nose.
He framed you! I knew that Inigo wasn't as good a cat as he claims! He's trying to make you look bad! Not MY Rumbles, no, never on people food!
MOL~!!! There's NO better way to loaf around than that!
What a fun post....even if you were "loafing"!!!!!! :)
At least it wasn't a half baked idea!
We think bread would make a terrific pillow. Bet it was nice and soft if it was fresh. You do look like you could get away with anything you feel like doing. Our Mom thought it was pretty funny too.
Have a super day.
Loafing? MOL! Rumbles you are so funny!
Oh Rumbles, it's no wonder I loves you so much - you do the funniest things and still manage to look handsome. M is laughing so hard her sides hurt.
Soft puffy bread makes a great pillow. Humans should try it.
You look very sweet and not naughty either
Oh dear, everybody used up up all the buns (I mean puns) before we got here!
Any bread product at our house has to be stored on top of the refrigerator surrounded by upside down mouse traps for security.
xx Lounge Kats
Loafing? What a clever idea.
That face? It's the face of a cat having done a good job protecting the bread from thieving mice.
Rumbles you have such a handsome face who could resist?
DUDE! LOVE the loafin!! And you didn't get any punshishment??? You got it SO made!!
LOVE the photo1
And the Naughty Kitties get away with murder again..
Where are the other members of the Good Kitty Club to come to your rescue?
Tsk tsk tsk
Those humans... pfft!!
Our humans gave up long time ago trying to keep us off the counters!
Mmmmmm, bread pillow. What a great idea! You should totally patent it!
Bread pillow sounds like a great idea.
Oooh...we've never tried a bread pillow! HEY MOM.......
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
MOL hehehe you is so CUTE Rumbles I knows dat is why you no gets into troubles and...yeah dere is no proof you had your head on da bread!
Ha! Ha! That is great! Just loafing!
Jazzie Jessie is the kitty here that gets on the counters! And mom only says "Hey! Pretty Girl!"
HEHEHE HAHAHAHA HHEHHE M.O.L.!!! Bread as a pillow....loafing around!!! hahaha *wipes tears...... laughing tears......
Seriously tho.... I TOO wish I could send you some cookies....brownies too! I wish i could find a place that tells Me EXACTLY what i can send where! GRRR
back to the Loafing hahaha hehehe hahah well I am off to bed giggling like a little girl!
loves Lainey & Autumn & Chloe and Momma (she has to always be involved as she has to type for us ... you know the whole NO Thumbs thing)
MOL! Loafing!!! MOL!
But srsly, we bet that bread would make a wonderful pillow.
Hey Rumbles -- you and Inigo might want to check out the LOLSpot today because you're both in it!
I get in enough trouble dragging Mom's fabric around the house.
Cat Mandu
Oooh! I never thought of making a bread-pillow! I think my humans keep their bread in the refrigerator, alas. I can see that Rumble has the right face to get away with everything! Super cute!
I do like to use shoes as pillows, right at the low part where humans put their ankles. purrrrfect! --Dorian
Loafing!!! I love it.
Also @Tatyanna (and Dorian too), Dorian is my name! How funny, and what a small world...
I usually use my brother as a pillow. Maybe next time I should see if Mom left the bread out.
Max S.
No one can get mad at that face!
I can never get past the can you sleep on the loaf when there is all the wonderful plastic bag to chew?
Way to be naughty Rumbles!! Excellent job!! know which side your bread is buttered on!
Man-cat! You are an inspiration! J'adore my Rumbles..
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