Remember my BOOTIFUL puppy pal Cleo, from 'Cleo's day' blog? She's sent over this guest post about my trip to San Francisco!
I can’t believe my mancat friend Rumblepurr is really coming to visit me in San Francisco! All the way from the other side of the world. I need to remember to tell him to bring layers. We get all kinds of weather during the summer. One day hot and one cold and I want him to be comfortable. If he gets cold, he can buy one of those "I escaped from Alcatraz" sweatshirts and then give it to Inigo when he gets home.
It is so exciting! I can't wait to show him around and have him meet some of [my] friends. My mind is all over the place thinking about where to take him. I wonder what he will like?
We could go to the Presidio and chase birds. They fly low and though I never have, I bet he could catch one. We could go to Golden Gate Park and try to catch fish in the pond. Since we will make such a handsome pair, we will get lots of love and treats from tourists, I just know it!

Before he gets here though I have so much to do. First I am going to make my female wash my bedding and gulp, even my toys. First impressions are important and I don’t want him to think that I am messy or stinky. PL said he would trim my nails nicely the day before Rumblepurr arrives. My recent bath might last but since grooming is important for handsome mancats, my female is going to start brushing me every afternoon a week before he gets here. I want my lion fur nice and poofy.

I plan on helping with the grocery list too. PL and I are already negotiating how many sardines and tuna to buy. He is on vacation so I think Rumblepurr should have nice snacks. Coming such a long way from New Zealand, he might get hungry late at night too.

Grrr time to get busy, then my female and I will work on the perfect itinerary!
- Cleo
i advise you buy a lot of tuna and sardines! I hope Rumblepurr has a pawsome time!!!
You're going to San Fran? Did you know that my Ragdoll friends have moved there?
WOW! Yoo are planning down to the last detail ~ so we just know Rumbles will have a fantastic time. Wot a good fur-end yoo are.
Wow! You're going to San Fran? That's a LONG trip for you. But it sounds like you won't have to lift a paw once you get there. . . you'll have the bestest hostess in the world.
OMC you will luvs San Francisco an Cleo iz gonna be teh purrfekt hostess too! I knows fur a fakt there iz birdz an fishes in teh streets of SF, you just haz to nom your way down teh streets!
Looks like Cleo is gonna show you a good time in San Francisco!! You're gonna have fun!!
How exciting to be planning a visit with Rumblepurr. Great pictures of you getting ready. Enjoy your time together.
Cleo, all you need to show him a good time is some boxing gloves. THWOCH!!
I can't wait for the write up now and all the neat pictures. Cleo, you are so lucky to have my buddy Rumbles visit. And, Rumbles, you are so lucky to be able to travel all the way around the world to visit dat lovely Cleo. What a fantastic opportunity. Have fun you two.
Looks like you two are going to have a great time in San Francisco! Enjoy!
Rumbles, I can't wait to hear about your adventure when you get back!
WOW happy travels and have fun!
Rumbles, make sure Cleo takes you to Mitchell's for ice cream and to Dynamo Doughnuts for a bacon apple doughnut.
And yes, dress in layers! xoxo
Cleo is a gorgeous girl!...We're sure you will guys will have a fun time together...It sounds like you've got a wonderful host for the great city of San Francisco, Rumbles; just TRY to stay out of trouble handsome!!MOL...kisses sweet friends and to our new buddy, Cleo...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Busby & Raymond thank you for that idea! I know Rumbles would love Mitchell and their yummy home made ice cream! -Cleo
We think you are going to have the BESTEST time with Cleo! She's covered every detail purrfectly.
Are you going to visit the Parrot colony there? Take pictures!
wow, going on vacation? a real jetsetter! We have to stay home when our mewmie goes away next week...
Oh boy, what a trip you're gonna have!
I still think woo should visit me too!
...Doughnuts? Bootiful ragdoll girls?? WOAH!! I am a HAPPY Rumble!!!
You are going to have a BLAST!!!
Rumbles is so lucky. That sounds like the perfect vacation. The two of you are going to get so much admiration and treats from the tourists, better watch your weight.
Sounds like you guys are gonna have a great time!
San Fran???!? im just 6 hrs away. hehe.
im sure you will LOVE it~!! :)
I think that my sister Grete would love to hang out with Cleo!!!
I'm going to keep an eye out for Cleo--SF's a pretty small town!
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