Rumblemum has gotten some new kitten photos, and she insisted on doing ANOTHER post with pictures of my newly selected brother (known as Lance Corporal Minimew for now)
Rollin' and patrollin' |
Tuna? |
That's right. I'm small. |
We'll be getting the new little bundle in April, I sure hope he's RUMBLE prepared...
As long as he DOESN'T come near my tent, we'll be fine.
Any kitten in here is gonna go SQUISH. |
Rumblemum says she's sorry she's been neglecting the blogs, she's got a big project on at the moment that's taking up her time.
LCM looks SOOOOO tasty!
Kitteh so cutes!! :) Yay! :)
He is very small and sooo adorable!
I know you will share your tent... admit it!
Have a great sunday!
Kisses and hugs
Congrats on your new brother. I bet you can't wait for April. :)
Lance Corporal Minimew you's is just da cutest kitty evers!
LANCE Corporal MiniMew awww c'mon Rumble!! Mum will HAVE to come up with a cuter name than that. how about Super Cutie Minimew?
Great name for a great looking little brofur! You two are going to be hell on 4 feet :)
Awwww, only one? So hoped that you were getting both.
Cannot wait for Lance Corporal Minimew!!! What a little darling! We love his beautiful blue eyes already.
Um, Rumbles, I think you're supposed to sit IN the tent, not ON!!! Just in case your little brother decides to be inside...
lance Corporal Minimew may be small and tiny, with a concern about you lying on him and squishing him, but I expect he will be constantly on the move.
Honestly, Rumbles, I have no idea how that kitten could possibly get anywhere NEAR that tent of yours!
Aww! We thinks that your new brother will be lots of fun!
I am sure he will demand a tent of his own!
I think he looks cuter than Teddy. OOOH OOOH I've got a plan! I'll send Teddy over there to play with the baby, and you can come over here.
What a sweet little fluff ball. :)xx
It's 3:30 AM here in am I supposed to live through so much CUTE so early?
Rumbles, my kids do the same thing with their cube. Silly!
xx trish
Rumbles!!!! Awwwwww you're one lucky handsome kitty to be getting such an adorable baby furbling!!! Awwwwww Lance Corporal Miminew is just beyond cute!!! Me and Charlie are melting in a puddle of squeeeeee!!! Take care
He is so very adorable! We're excited for you.
Rumbles, he is pretty cute. We don't think he has a chance of getting near your tent...
When you explain to Lance Corporal Minimew that the tent is yours and out of bounds to him we're sure he won't put a paw anywhere near it!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
he he - dat little kitten does ressemble The Birmann (you know which Birman - the one and the only original one!). What a hunk of gorgeous kitten. Oh we has to wait so long yet. But at least you know which one you are taking. M is sitting here dreaming of how she can transport the other kitten to our country - it's only at the opposite end of the world! We are just so very happy for you.
Sounds like Huffle has a plan for you, Rumbles. She's a very pretty girl too.
Lance Corporal Minimew is just so cute - love those eyes.
We bet your Mom can't wait for him to come home.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
LANCE Corporal MiniMew is simply too cute for his own good! You will have so much fun playing with him!
He's such a serious looking little guy. Really adorable! Watch out for your tail Rumbles, these little people like to chew things and your tail is going to look like the best kitten toy ever!
He is small, and he is cute. But they growes fast! When the brat Kozmo came to live with us he was small and cute too! Now he is big! Almost as big as me and he chases me!
Kitty Kisses
u'll like da kitten a lot better when he comes to live wif u cuz den u can chase him & play wif him! KC loves having a little brofur (most of the time). xoxo
Your little brofur is so cute Rumbles! We think we need to live in New Zealand - the land of the super adorable boy kitties!
ohhhh myyy! That FACE!! He is the cutest thing ever!
Lovin' the "rollin' and patrollin'!"
He is a gorgeous little cutie.
I know you will share your tent Rumbles, you're just too nice that way! Brother is a cutie-pie!
He is one cutie patootie!
Oh my we just love his cute little adorable fluff!!!
Oh Rumbles! While he **is** adorable (the Human's word, not mine I hasten to say), you are the Handsomest ManCat Ever (well, besides me of course).
I know you will have an excellent time putting Junior through boot camp and teaching him the proper respect for his elders. It's a big job, but somebody's got to do it!
Rumble you're going to be a terrific Guide and Elder Brother. Get him to call you Tai-Loh; a bit of respect is always a good start.
He's so adorable. And he's very lucky to have you for a big brofur. Make sure you teach him how to train your humans. That's furry impawtant. Too bad you have to wait so long for him. I kind of like the name Lance Corporal Minimew. I don't think it needs to change.
He sure is cute, Rumbles. We know that when it comes down to it, you're going to be the bestest big brofur to this little one.
I don't think one can ever have too many kitten photos. :)
Any intrusion from anyone other than you Rumbles in the tent shall henceforth conclude in a WHAP!
Lance Corporal Minimew is so cute & tiny, oh my! Please don't squish him Rumbles, that wouldn't be very nice! Just make sure he knows you're top banana, and everything will be just fine!
What a cutie! I must admit, Lance Corporal Minimew was my favorite!
Awwww ... we suspect yoo hafta wait until April so he can undergo "rumble" training camp.
OMG, that kitten is just too cute. Lance Corporal Minimew, you are very handsome and what pretty eyes you have. We know Rumbles, you will take good care of that young man. Gosh, we can't wait for more pictures. Take care.
Oh, he's a sweetheart.
Oh Rumbles, we think Minimew is adorable. That said, we aren't sure how we would react to a kitten on our house! We wish you luck!
Lance Corporal Mini-Mew is absolutely adorable! And Rumbles, how handsome you look on your tent!
OMC! Is the Corporal a relative of that hunk of man cat Perry the Birman?
*purrrrr pur purrrrrrr*
Oh my're just the cutest boy ever!!
Rumbles what exciting news! We are so behind we had no idea you are getting a new baby brother! And boy, he is a baby right now isn't he! Such a cutie! He is going to have lots of the younger ladycats going crazy for sure - we know you will teach him all about the ladycats being the ladycats man you are!
Oh, Minimew! You look like you are ready to rumble...or maybe just chase dust bunnies around. Toosweet!
Oh My Goodness! I can't handle all of that kitty cuteness in one post! *faints*
PS. I want a kitty!!!!! Mom's just stubborn and won't let me have one. Hrmph.
It must have been a hard decision to make -- both kitties are so darling! And it's going to be even harder to wait until April to have Lance Corporal Minimew as your own. What are you going to call him for short? Just Lance, PURRhaps? Lance is a nice name.
I think the better question would be is Rumbles prepared for Lance? Kittens tend to dominate their environment and everything in it!
Dem kittehs iz too cute to choose. Can't da Rumbleparents just get both?
Oh cute kittens... I am sure they will have their own home soon. I also have a cat at home but she is more of a bunny to me because she acts like one already with all my bunnies around her. Actually she even prefers to stay in the rabbit hutches and do the rabbit borrowing. It is so strange.
Your future brother has a lot of floof and fuzz. I'm just sayin.
I am sure the whole family is very excited for your new brother Lance (he's a Ragdoll isn't he?). I'm sure he'll be a good and loving little brother to you and I hope you'll treat him the same way. :-)
Anyway, you can ask your Rumblemum to check this website My kitties and I visit it regularly - they review cat products, talk about cat health issues and introduce you to new cat products.
Have a great one Rumbles! :-)
Gosh, he's a cutie pawtootie!
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