Rumblemum wanted me to say a few things about Diego (note: she did not say they had to be NICE things... heh heh heh) So here I give you the many faces of his royal Ham-iness.
You can see quite clearly in this photo that Hamlet is very much to the left of centre |
Rumblemum thinks it's "so cute" that he goes a bit cross-eyed when he concentrates too much |
This is the expression that gets him ham *grumble* |
He's trying to look innocent here, and you can see that even the camera doesn't buy his innocent act - it's gone blurry to protest! |
And this is the REAL Diego - mad, mad, MAD as a hatter! |
Dude they look like cute faces to us, but we're ladies and we always dig a handsome fella.
What about that rugby then!!!
Mom said she almost swoon photo by photo and then she suddenly almost have a heart attack at last photo..MOL
Diego is a pretty wacky guy... but cute!
But CUTE wiv it ~ really CUTE!
Awwww beautiful Diego has many gorgeous expressions!! Yay!! Awww he deserves lots of ham!
Hugs to you too adorable Rumbles! take care
MOL - he's Sammy wif lighter meezer furs.
What ever face Diego puts on it, he is OH so handsome. xoxoxo
Haha! That last photo is too funny. Diego is extremely handsome, no matter what face he's making--but so are you, Rumbles!
Mom is a losing it...something about Diego's nose...she's mumbling about how kissable it is...
oh noes Rumbles, Iz can see trubbulz on hims face an they hoomanz all thinks hez so cutes. We noes teh trooth!
We were almost going to say that Diego is too pretty to be a boycat, but then we saw that last pic - one scary face - we think we had best be nice to him:)
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Okay so he's a loon...but a cute one - LOL!!!
Diego is furry handsome but he does seem to have a scary side to him too!! Take care Rumbles.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
cute all the way around!!! what a "ham" :)
I think he is learning a lot from you Rumbles, you must be teaching him the handsome!
Ooo, our human finds it cute and loves the way you wrinkle up your nose when you're mad.
What a HAM!!!!!!!
The Chans
Open mouth, insert HAM!
Hamlet has many faces but all of them are adorable! You two boys are so handsome!
I love that last picture! I'm gonna teach him to be a gangsta like I am. HAH!
Don't you just LOVE your brother. he he - what a pair you make. Double trouble me thinks.
Ha ha, Thomas has those same blue eyes that cross at times=^Y^=
That last picture cracked me up!
Yeah, but that mad hatter of yours is still pretty, darn cute. And he did make you run from the room when he was just a kitten...sorry.
Did you see that meercar photo of Teddy (the Goon), Huffle's brother? for a minute we thought it was you, Rumble! But then we looked at the title of the blog. still, good impression, Teddy.
"Mad,mad, mad as a hatter!" had me in hysterics! lol
I think I would fall for the sweet face too and give him anything he wanted!
My mom thinks he's quite the cutie!
I am loving the cross-eyed shot!
Your pal, Pip
There are definitely many sides of Diego...all of them are kinda cute.
Wait 'til he gets a little older...the little ones is always cute.
Excellent presentation Rumbles, I can definitely see your point...the Ham may be a bit off. But I has to break it to you that his sheer cuteness may make up for it...
Your buddy Cloon
Hee Hee... I love picture number 2 the best... Have a great day.
pawhugs, Max
OH SUCH CUTENESS!!!! Mommy loves all of these pictures! The last one made her laugh so loud!
Rumblemum??? Seaborne left a special post just for you on our blog:
Haha. Diego is so cute. We love the "mad as a hatter" picture. :)
Goodness Diego, you are one cutey patootie. But Rumbles, you are still the best. We think you look good as the mad, mad, hatter. Love it. Too funny. Take care.
Oh, dear Cod! The fangs on that boy!
That last picture strikes fear in our hearts over here. And let me tell you, that takes some doing where Bugs is concerned. RUN AWAY!!!!
You are such an adorable kitty! I love all the pictures you posted today! ♥
I've seen Teddy do most of those poses too.
Hola Diego! You have a perfect profile! have a great Thursday. purrs, Rio from Barcelona
Fantastic photo collection!
Ouch. Warn us when you're gonna let loose with so much squee. Our Lady was looking over our shoulders and squee'd us deaf practically. But we gotta admit - he's a cutie!
Ham is kinda good looking. *blush*
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