Well, apparently Hammy needs 'some online time' *snort* so today has been declared 'Day of Diego'.
If you follow me on Facebook you'll have
seen some of the Diego day posts already.
Now here are some Diego photos (one specially for our friend Clarissa, cause she asked :))
(Tomorrow all will resume to being RUMBLE-days. Yeah.)
This one is for Clarissa - shows Diego is a HAM even from an early age! |
I can almost hear you squeeing from here *sigh* |
A young Diego and a handsome me... |
An older Diego and a STILL handsome me! |
I hope you've enjoyed Day of Diego, I know he sure has. He's strutting around the house!
He's a good little brother, and I love him lots (just don't tell him, k?)
Hmm, I notice Rumbles made it into TWO of the four pictures!!
We must admit that Diego is extremely handsome Rumbles but he is not suave and sophisticated like you are.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Well yeah, he IS cute! But don't worry, I don't think he'll steal your thunder, Rumbles. At least not TOO much!
Awwww me and Charlie think a Day of Diego should be official! Yay!!
Awwww he is too super cute!! Just like his handsome big brother! Yay! Take care
Diego sure is a ham but he'll never outshine your ManCatly handsomeness!
The Florida Furkids
Wonderful photos -- Diego is a very handsome brother. Of course not *quite* as handsome as you are, Rumbles. ;-)
Are you declaring it "Diego Day" once a week? I can't believe you would let that little twerp have a day of the week all to himself! Are you getting soft on me pal? You have to put your paw down with him!@ Remind him who is the king around there!
Squeeeeee!!!! Thank you for the "baby picture" of Diego. He was such an adorable kitten. And he has grown up to be such a handsome mancat, too!!! *smoochies* on his handsome nose!
If woo heard me skhwee, did woo also see my drool?
Diego was such a tiny kitten!!! He's a mancat now :-)
Both of you are so handsome. Diego sure got a lot bigger, didn't he?
Is furry nice of you to share wif your baby brofur, Rumbles. (And yes, mine mommy Squeeeeed, speshully the first picshur.)
But me? Me admires your man-catliness and hows you takes your little brofur under your manily arm and shows him the ropes, even bout the innernets.
Your furend, TK
yep - sometimes little brothers are ok - though we would never admit it either.....
Oh Rumbles, you know you are our favorite but we have to see that Diego, Hammy, too. He is pretty darn cute or I guess handsome now that he is growing up. Great pictures. Take care.
SUCH a cutie! So inspiring that I'm going to demand Glogirly honor me with a Day Of Katie. ...oh, wait...I guess I already have 7 days of Katie every week.
; )
Hey, YOU rule the house, the not the Prince of Cuteness! Still handsome YOU!
And yes, Tommy did squeeee some. :)
Diego is a cutie but you are the original handsome Mancat Rumbles! We love you both though!
You are such a good big brother Rumbles and yes, he is a cutie fur sure!
We are doing double squees for Diego and you Rumbles.
You have trained the little ham very well, Rumbles!
Well, we're sort of glad that Day of Deigo got extended.
Dear D'Artangan,
Sigh, it is the cross we bear for hasing little brothers!
Pawesome Diego Day!
I loved all the pictures!
Kisses and hugs
Yep, the Human was quite taken with the Baby Ham...Are you still hiding out in the tunnel for Diego Day, Rumbles?
Rumbles, you are a confident man-cat to allow Hammy, who is such a cute furball, to appear on your blog. Most other cats would be jealous, but not you.
Maxwell: little brothers are okay, but they can sure be spoiled can't they?? MOL
We are glad you brothers get along so well. And don't worry, Rumbles, your secret (that you love Diego) is safe with us. )
Awwwwwww, you two are so cute together. We're so glad your new bro has worked out so well. Purrs to you all!
We're a bit late to Day of Diego...but maybe you can stretch it out to Week of Diego!
We're all behind and glad we didn't miss this one! That first picture is adorable, but of course he could never be as handsome and adorable as you.
absooolutely adorables!!! both of you ;)
YAH!!! So much cuteness it hurts. But inquiring minds want to know: Which of you spectacular fluffmeisters is going to be on the small screen with Bugsy?
wow Diego grew up so fast!
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