Hammy is back to himself, we're roaring around the house at very high speeds. I can't believe that TREATS were thrown out! Rumbledad CLAIMS I was trying to get into the garbage can to get to the treats, but I ask you...
Does this look like the face of somecat that would do that?
Let me do you a favor Hammy - I'll eat ALL your noms so you won't have an allergic reaction! |
No way you are sooooo angelic!
You are WAY too classy to do such a thing, Rumbles!
Gorgeous Rumbles! You are innocent and deserve lotsa treats! Yay! take care
That is a hugely generous offer, Rumbles. Don't see how they could possibly say no...
The Chans
Absolutely innocent... I'm sure you wouldn't go near the trash for any reason.
pawhugs, Max
We were going to suggest the same thing! When Samson got allergies Mommy would slip me some secret treats hehe.
Thanks for the birthday smoochies, Rumbles! I'm still reeling!
Mom's a slacker and we didn't know you had been having problems. We're glad things are getting back to normal.
Obviously some other critter got into the garbage....that could never have been YOU!
The Florida Furkids and Lexi
Oh Rumbles you are the face of pure innocence!!!
Rumbles what a good brother you are offering to eat all that extra food for your brother.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
You? Into the trash for the treats? We'd never believe it.
We're glad Hammy is back to normal!
BTW, the mom gave Derry a "treat" (i.e. treat-like supplement) last weekend that made him throw up...three times in a row. So guess who gets to eat them all now? Heh heh, yeah, me, Nicki!
Rumbles, just seeing your handsomeness is a treat for us!
Of course you wouldn't. I think you're just a fall cat.
You´re an angel!!!!!!!!!!!
No way, Rumbles! You are not guilty! I hope Rumblemum finds non-allergenic treats for Hammy to nom. Rumbles and Hammy, you are so very handsome, fluffy and beautiful!
You aremsuch a kind and thoughtful brother!
I don't think garbage is yummy. The pail smells funny. Maybe u can try to get food when the hoomins are watchin teevee. I do that sometimes. :)
You sure look angelic pal, but I see the halo slipped just a little.
We're glad Hammy is back to normal, but not so glad about no treats. Maybe Rumblemum can find some treats that Hammy can eat.
Glad Hammy is doing so well!
Hmmm... better leave alone those treats, ok?
Kisses and hugs
Rumbles! I read your comment about the Real Housecats of the Blogosphere and yes, I want to be on that show! You know, I am a big fan of the kitties! Better yet, maybe we should have our own show!
Your puppy pal, Pip
What's WRONG with Humans, anyway? I mean, YOU could've eaten those treats, dammit. Why did they go inna trash? Sigh. No wonder they have so many problems.
What! Me agrees with Spitty! The peoples just throwed out purrfectly good treats! Me would has tried to gets them out too!
You're such a good big brother. What better way to protect Diego from treats that make him itch than to eat them yourself? MOL *smooch*
No way! You would *never* try to get something out of the trash, Rumbles! How preposterous of the humans to even suggest that!
Rumbles - you and Truffle are kindred spirits. Whenever Mom Paula throws something in the trash, Truffle is right in there after it!
We're so glad to hear Hammy is doing better.
You better get your dance card ready for Truffle's Debutante Ball to celebrate her 1st birthday on June 2.
Glad he's feeling better! Where was his bald patch? Harley used to get them on the back of his thighs, from the EGC.
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