Thursday, June 21, 2012

Woo hoo! We are CUTE!!

Many, many thanks to our pal Wendy at Wendy's 3D Cat's blog for making us these COOL avatars!! We love them. I think the Rumblepurr one is extra cool, it captures my man-cat-ness perfectly!

We missed Box Day yesterday because iPhoto wasn't working... here was the awesome photo of me that Rumblemum didn't post. We've incorporated an awesome box into my awesome man-cave!


Sparkle said...

Those are awesome avatars!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Awesomely cute!!!!!!

The Chans

Marg said...

Yep those avatars are the greatest. Yours is just purrfect Rumbles. But they are both so cute. Have a great day all of you.

Old Kitty said...

Gorgeous Rumbles and amazing Diego!! Awwww we love your avatars!! They're adorable!!!

Yay for your awesome box, Rumbles! Take care

Nadbugs said...

Rumbly, your excellent avatar needs to be BIGGIFIED. So your true stature may be perceived. Hammy needs to learn his place. Smaller than yours. Is that what you're trying to say, about the New Box? We thought so.

Forever Foster said...

How cool are your avatars?!?!?!

We love our Greenies over here. Me and Suey crunch them up into teensy tiny pieces then lick them off the floor. Lishy snorts them!

Brian's Home Blog said...

My goodnes, you two really are cartoon cute!

HH and The Boys said...

Your avatars are wonderful. I love them. And, I love your box day picture too. Now you're all caught up.

pawhugs, Max

Gigi said...

Your avatars are very cool. Somebody somewhere better make me one because my Human is sooooooo lame she'll nefur do it. Sigh.

Mariodacat said...

Those avatars are so extra cute - just like you and Ham. M tried to make one of me, but it didn't turn out.

BeadedTail said...

You both are very cute! Can we fit in that mancave with you Rumbles?

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh yes, you two do have some very adorable avatars:) And it is never too late to post for Box Day - looks like you had some fun in there.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Hannah and Lucy said...

We love your avatars you both look cute (but of course Rumbles you were the most handsome).
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Cat Street Boyz said...

That is soooo cool=^Y^=

Sagira said...

Those avatars are so cool! :)

wildcatwoods said...

Wendy does great work. Box day is everyday with us cats. Thanks for the birthday wishes!

Cats of wildcat woods

The Island Cats said...

Those avatars look just like you!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those are cute avatars of both of you, but yours is cute in a mancatly way Rumbles.

Lorenza said...

Your avatars are grrreat!
I love them!
Kisses and hugs

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

You boys are almost as cute as avatars as you as cats! I 'specially love Rumbles Avatar!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Very cool avatars indeed! Rumbles, you and I could share the same avatar!


Unknown said...

Rumbles, me is torn
Your Avatars is fabulishious, but your real self makes my hear flutter!

marley said...

I missed boxing day? Oh no....*THWOCK THWOCK*

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Even your avatars are tasty looking!


CCL Wendy said...

I'm so glad you like your avatars. Me and some of the other bloggers have put ours on our sidebars. Just a thought.

And Rumbles, that is a very good shot of you indeed. I like to see you beside the box rather than in it -- because I can see more of you that way!

Julia Williams said...

Love your avatars!! And that's a very nice extension to your man-cave!

Unknown said...

Dearest Rumbles and Hamlet,
me and my hairy slobbery sister Bob want to thanks yous for your rumbly purrs for her. She is feeling much better today and is recovering nicely!
Nellie and Bob

meowmeowmans said...

Of COURSE your avatars are cute (because you guys are super cute in real-life)! :)

We love the remodeling job you did on your mancat cave. Brilliant!

Pernille said...

I love your box, it looks so exciting:-)
Hugs from Pernille


The Daily Pip said...

Love your avatars! My assistant has one an avatar that she sometimes uses on facebook. Yours are much cuter!

Your pal, Pip


Love love LOVE the avatars!!!


Jacqueline said...

Such adorable avatars for such handsome boys!!...Happy weekend, precious friends...big smoochies X 3...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Fuzzy Tales said...

Of course we're behind in commenting, thanks to our slacker mom.

Those avatars are great! We've seen a lot of them and our mom has played around a bit with them, but hasn't actually finished any. Typical!

Elyse K said...

Dear Diego and Rumbles-- your avatars are purr-fect! And Rumbles, I really like the addition to your man-cat cave! <3

Your admiring fan,

Pumpkinpuddy said...

Great avatars, but being as you're the top cat yours should have come first! MOL

Jans Funny Farm said...

We love your avatars. really cute.

Jan said to be sure to thank you for the cuddles you gave for her birthday. She said they were the perfect gift.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Wheeee!!! Look at you both!! My human Tommy ooo'd and ahhh'd-you probably heard her all they way there!


Anonymous said...

my mommeh is making squeaky squealy sounds.

Busy Buttons said...

You are SUCH a handsome man-cat, even in avatar form!

I could have fun with Box Day...if the box contained TOYS, of course!

Makropoulos said...

Oh, No! Pisi and Squeak missed box day too! And they want some avatars like yours -- have a great day!

Cat said...

Great avatars kids!!! Wow Rumbles, a box AND a cube...

Unknown said...

I have never seen a cartoon like that of a kitty, and I would love to have one some day! You two are the cutest.

