Hello my friends, it's been FAR too long!!!
We're all moved in, and the new place is pretty ok I guess (*whispers* it's AWESOME! Don't tell Rumblemum we said that, we like getting extra sympathy treats! heh heh heh)
Surprisingly, I was a VERY brave mancat right after we got here! Usually I'm a bit hesitant at new situations, but I was roaming around and claiming my spaces right away!
Hammy was really scared, he's only now just getting confident. He's usually the brave guy, but not in this case. I've been really good to him, I let him follow me around and when he's not so confident I mew mew mew to let him know things are ok.
Here we are investigating the new bathroom (Rumbledad says it's for guests. We say it's OURS)
"I wish Rumbles was up here with me..." |
"Where could he be?" |
"He's not behind the soap" |
"There you are!!" |
"Are you dancing?" |
Faster than the speed of light! |
Oooo who's that handsome fella? |
"Oh Rumbles, you're so silly!" |
This dude is REALLY good looking! |
"Hmm, maybe this sink isn't big enough for the both of us..." |
We're having many wonderful adventures and we'll post more this week... but here are some AWESOME photos of MY DUCKIES!!! *happy rumblepurring* The very, very
sweet Miss Peggy sent us our very own duckies after we missed out on winning them in the auction for ML (due to Rumblemum's negligence)!
Thank you SO much, Miss Peggy. It was such a sweet thing for you to think of us. And many thanks to
Miss Marg (who always runs the auctions so well!)
Miss Paula and
Miss Sharon (who won the duckies - well played, Miss Sharon! We just saw that she got her duckies today as well, it must be a ducky-day!)
Oooo MY DUCKIES!!! |
Can I nom them? |
Hey! No Ham head in my photos! |
There might have been a fourth duckie that I already nomed... heh heh heh |
No duckies escaping! |