I have a baby seal named Thwack who is my very best friend.

Thwack is very small and sweet - he makes the best little squeaking sounds when I bunny-kick him (he likes it, honest!) and likes to be warm. We cuddle in the beanbag by the heater, and if it's really cold out I make sure to push poor little Thwack closer to the heater so he'll be warm.
Thwack enjoys being groomed, so on occasion I'll make sure he's clean by washing his little head.
Brother knows that the only thing in the house that is totally off limits is my little buddy, he doesn't even try. :)
Feel free to share your Saturday secrets here!

These photos are very cute!
Thanks for the comments =)
I feel a little better, but I'm angry with my mother ...
Hugs and Purrs
You two are beautifully colour coordinated!
We saw you over at Poppy Q's blog and thought we would come on over to say hi! You are both handsome boys!
What a wonderful companion Thwack is! You are lucky to have him.
Cute! I have a platypus that I love to snuggle with. She looks a little bit like your seal, they are the same colour:)
I used to snuggle with my beanie baby leopard...I still have him...I just don't snuggle with him as much as I used to....
Thwack is very sweet indeed!
Our Sen-Chan (RIP) used to adore his little Mr. Bun(ny) and would both cuddle and play with him.
I can see that Thwack is a very special friend. You look so sweet.
our first visit to your blog.
you are so sweet and cuddly.
happy W.C. D .
So cute those pictures with your little friend. Its good to have a special friend.. Ahh bless..
Hugs GJ xx
Oh how sweet!! I feel the same way about Mousie (although I never let my parents see me with him).
Happiest of World Cat Days to you all!
Awwwwwwwwwwww so sweets Inigo! I luvs your little seal, momma gots a brown one dat shakes some wheres around here but I never seens one likes yours.
I found your blog and you two boys are very sweet looking fellas. I like your toys too.
Well, my secret is... just always remind your beans that you are in charge by calling them to take care of your demands immediately. That's what I do.
Thwack looks like a good friend to have. You look very sweet with him!
Happy World Cat Day to you kitties!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Your friend Thwack is very cute. My special friend is called scruffy rat and I have groomed most of his furrs off.
Happy Werld Cat Day yall!
Alla Us Hotties
Thwack seems like the best kind of friend! Melvin plays with his new toys for about an hour then never touches them again. Maybe I should make him a seal!
Awww your seal is very cute and lovable. I have a little teddy I like to snuggle with sometimes.
Once I tried to share my secrets with my brother Harley. But he blabbed to everyone!
I used to love snuggling wiv my catnip mousie and Alfie still snuggles wiv his brown bear.
We're posting our musketeer meme tomorrow!
dude - iz so glad ur gettin sum time iz teh blogosphere since rumblz iz hoggin teh twitr! MOL wutever u do, donut let dat kid near Thwack, u'll nevar see him again!!
*nosetaps* 2 u buddy!!
This is my first time here. You're name is GREAT! And you furr is pretty. I like your toy too.
Noir in Texas
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