Now if you remember, Bee Bear started his adventure floating by himself, with not a honey pot to be seen.
Then Bee Bear found victory! A honey pot appeared, and Bee Bear sat upon it like a king on his throne! Life was good.
Bee Bear has now achieved maximum Bee-ness... he has other Bees!!! A number of Bees have joined him, and not one of them seem to suspect that he is not actually a Bee!
So what's the lesson? Fake it till ya make it bay-BEE!!!!

Hahaha! Way to go, Bee Bear! That is a great lesson.
Good one Bee Bear! Words of wisdom there.
Huffle Mawson
Don't worry...Beeeeeeeeeeee Happy! MOL
Polly Puss
This is a very good lesson!
Bee Bear...looks like you got a following there!
Ooooh...Bee Bear looks a little startled...but what a Honey!
Is bee bear not worried that he will be found out and stung?
It's impossible to tell that Bee Bear is not a real bee! Keep up the outstanding work!
We like Bee Bear. Does he have a brother who wants to live with us?
We like Bee Bear. We would never have guessed he wasn't a real bee.
We think this is a great lesson! Hooray for Bee Bear.
Very smart, Bee Bear! We like your style...
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Bee Bear isn't a bee? He fooled me.
MOL and LOL...that sure is one smart Bee~Bear!!!
Bee-Bear is so cute! I love that he is also great at teaching life lessons, but mostly he is just cute!
I like Bee-Bear! I bet he's fun to curl up close to--since you had to tell us he was a BEAR. Just thought he was big, furry bee... :)
Bee-Bear looks very cute. And he is furry smart, especially since he is stuffed!
cute!!! i think its our first visit to your blog. wanted to say hi from us4 gatos.
-us4 gatos
Excellent lesson, you guys! I do this all the time. Except when I forget.
Hi, Hi, Hi :) Thank you for stopping by our blog. You asked if Jeannie is a Ragdoll.....We don't know. She was a feral rescue. But she's very dainty and has super soft furs. We think you two are very handsome so we'll be back to visit. OK?
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