Today my friends, it is a banner day for pussycats everywhere.
Mummy had the loud annoying thing out to clean the carpets... she was grumbling something about shaving brother and me and how that would make her life easier (HARUMPH)
Now usually brother and I will hang out (NOT hide!) in the other room while this goes on. Well not today! Today I decided to go paw to head with DA BEAST!!
I verrrry slowly and low to the ground crept up to the brushy part, and I POUNCED on it!!! Then I batted it over and over with my paw! Mummy and daddy were laughing, but I think it was nervous laughter cause they were so a-feared of how ferocious I was being...
So almost right after I did my pouncing, the machine stopped working!!! Mummy tried everything, but it just wouldn't start up again!
I am a mighty warrior.
How brave of you to take on the sucky monster!
Yoo are indeed a might floofishus warrior! We are VERY impressed. Cud yoo pop over to our house and sod our vacumn cleaner monster up please?
We are very impressed by your bravery and daring!
We are in awe! That is a major conquest indeed!
Nice going!
Thanks for the purrs for my Mommy!
We are so very impressed! Tales will be told for generations of your valour and bravery!
Nice work! ;-)
We are really impressed that you attacked the big growler. And you really showed your mummy and daddy that a cat is not only cutesy and fluffy, but also a mighty monster of destruction, if needs be. And this was really one of those times. Shaving! Now really!
You did it! I've been trying to kill ours for years. You are our new hero!
You are very brave!! We admit, we are chickens when it comes to the rug sucking monster!
You made it go dead? Nice work! Now can you come over hear and kill ours too?
Huffle Mawson
Yea! You are a brave one to take on a loud big beast.
Good for you. I have a Kirby Monster in my house and I don't hang around when mom turns it on.
I don't mind the big Dyson beast...
I do tend to let the small sharkbuster thing know I don't khare fur it - it's pitch just rubs me the wrong way!
I hope woo got a reward fur your Mighty Warrior status!
Ooooh. I just adore bravery!
Oh Rumblepurr, you are the bravest of cats. If you want to make a real living you could sell your beast killing services. I have one over here you could kill!
Woohoo! You are one brave kitty, Rumblepurr. You may have to take a tour of the Cat Blogosphere to take care of everycat else's loud sucky monster now...
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
You took on the sucky monster and you WON! Hooray!
Yayyy! You killed the sucky monster.
Wow! You are the bravest kitty I know!
Wow that is impressive that you were able to stop that big sucky monster! Congrats!!
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