I have to say, if Misha didn't already have our votes for this competition, you modeling the shirt would have swayed us even more! You look super-handsome Inigo
We love the shirt - we keep voting to support Misha because he is a perfect model cat! You look cute with that shirt though - I think you should keep it!
You look so handsome, Inigo! We were cracking up when Rumblepurr kept interrupting your video.
Well, if Misha knows some hot Ragdoll girlz, then, hey, that could be your BFF!
Hahaha! Way to steal the limelight, Rumbles!:)
Some cats are a bit snoopy. Mum says that, not me. You look so very handsome!
Huffle Mawson
Absolutely, purrrrfectly handsome!
I have to say, if Misha didn't already have our votes for this competition, you modeling the shirt would have swayed us even more! You look super-handsome Inigo
We love the videos, even though you got interupted
Hurray, I did se Rumbles in all his glory and movin about. Now I is appy
You look fantastic in that shirt! And we know what you mean about "noses" butting in...That's King!
I've pawed fur Misha....
Nice videos...made me hungry fur some reason!
MOL - too funny!!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
We love the shirt - we keep voting to support Misha because he is a perfect model cat! You look cute with that shirt though - I think you should keep it!
We purr for Misha, too! But someone at your place doesn't understand to keep out of the frame when you're starring in a video.
You look very handsome in your shirt. Looks like Rumblepurr didn't want to be left out.
That shirt should totally be yours! It looks great on you.
you both look great in action.
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