I bet you all thought that little Rumbles was gonna be the super-model... no WAY! It's time for Inigo Xavier Flufflebum to REALLY shine!! This photo shoot shows my versatility and edgy look (I'm on the edge of the couch for most of the shots, can't get much edgier than that)
I learned from Tyra Banks and the American Next Top Models about modeling with my eyes...

But Tyra could learn from ME about modeling with the ruff

I'm appealing to the tuna fishies in this one (Get in my TUMMY little tunas!!)

Of course my portfolio needed a couple of profile shots

And finish up with just a touch of innocence (What do you mean I shouldn't be on the laptop?)

I think I've got a pretty good portfolio, let me loose on the world!! *preen*
But of course, do not forget - this is to help our buddy Misha and also help out the less fortunate pussycats so please, give what you can to help.
Magnificent, Inigo! If I wasn't a mancat, I'd totally have a crush on you after seeing these shots!
Aww,Inigo,you are so gorgeoua! Love that incredible ruff!(shhh,let's not tell Rumbler,he'll be jealous!)
That line: Get into my tummy little tunas! Oh, how cute. You are not only totally lovely you have a PURRfect sense of humor!
I think all of woo have been studying MY blog!
Great photos. Breeze and some friends will be on her blog Sat. morning.
u go mai pal - shine dose baby blues! who's teh bestest ragdoll in the land?? U R!! U R!! U R!!
*chestbump* an *hi-paws*
You are so beautiful ^^
Shhhhhhhh don't tells Rumbles but you is very handsome Inigo and LociLu is goings crazy over here, she just luvs your furs and everyfing! She sends her luv and Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrs
You have a fine portfolio, Inigo. I love your ruff.
What a fabulous selection of photo's you have there. Get them to a model agency pronto, you will be snapped up.. Hugs GJ x
Hello Handsome! I am Tama-Chan's kitten sister and think you're very good looking (blush blush blush....).
Surely you have professional modelling experience, with poses like that?! What is it Mr. Jay always says about working the angles? You do that very well:)
A great photoshoot. With a ruff like that who needs jewelry!
ARR! Ye be looking mighty fine in them ther' photos!
Gorgeous!!! ::wild applause::
You are not just a model. You're a star!
The Look of Innocense has MY vote! You could teach Tyra Banks a thing or three.
Great modeling! You might get a contract from this portfolio.
Wonderful modelling, purrfect portfolio. What more can we say?
Arrrrr, ye be lookin' mighty fine there, Inigo! We be very impressed with yer modelin' skills, sir. Well done, matey!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Pirate Krew
Not only are you smiling with your eyes, you are smiling with those long fabulous whiskers, too!
I've got to say, you are doing a great job there, Inigo!
The floof is FANTASTIC!
Strut you stuff with that fabulous ruff!
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. FAZ
Your handsome face is posted on our Collectibles blog today (Sun Sept 20); we didn't have an email to send the picture to you though.
You just rocked those photos! That ruff is magnificient!
William the Dancing Cat
Those are all great photos of you!
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