For example: making the bed. How can you possibly make the bed without arranging the pillows from underneath?
When I'm hard at work, does mummy appreciate that I'm fluffing up the place she rests her weary head...?
NO. All I hear is "Not helping" *harumph*

And the laundry... a good MANCAT knows that you have to have that April-fresh scent - so we try to make the clothes smell like our April-fresh paws!
Do we get a "Well done!" and some tuna? NO!

What about all the time we spend writing? Praise...? Catnip...?
NO, we get a terse "Get off the keyboard!!!"

We are MANCATS. We know how to run the house dagnabbit!!!
I hears you guys! I always up on da bed makings it much betters but dey no appreciates it at all. Don't dey understands dat you needs puter time? You two are some handsome mancats for sure.
I'm always helping with laundry and making the bed. A modern mancat should help around the house.
You do so much to help out and get no thanks at all. How sad.
Humans can be so ungrateful. I was trying to help mum make the bed the other day, and while fluffing up the duvet, she actually rolled me off the bed! Outrageous!
We know exactly how you guys feel! Sometimes humans just don't appreciate all that you do around the house. Do you guys also trim the houseplants??
We get the same trouble. Beans just don't appreciate how hard we work to help them. I like to bring in the lovely fresh garden smell with me after I have been out digging the garden, but do I get thanked? No! All I hear is 'Eric get off the bed with those filthy muddy feet'.
They really don't get it!
We hear ya! No real appreciation! We warm our Mom's seat when she gets up to do something and when she's back we just get shoved's terrible how they overlook our help, too
We feel the same way...not even a simple Thank You...just a Get Off or Go unfair!
We kind of gave up on people. We just sit in the tree until we fall out laughing when we see how they make a mess of everything they do. If they ask nicely we'll help, but still they never understand that cats alone know how a thing is properly done.
I agree with you!
I loved the pictures under the blanket =)
Humans---they just don't really get it, do they? Oh, boy--but when they want YOU to purr and be all cat cute--they come runnin...HUMANS!
I love the keyboard 'typing terrific' of you!
I cannot believe you are getting complaints! It's obvious that you are excellent at housekeeping. The nerve!
We too just don't understand the humans. They're obviously not well-trained in things the way we cats just instinctively know them, so why wouldn't they want our help? *sheesh* *Grumble grumble*
We should go on strike. Or take a nap.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
That's a manCAT fur you's. They don't take noes instructions from da ladies.
I run ahead to get the bed ready fur Mom!
Yups I agree we mancats should help around the house.. You look as though you are doing a good job there.
Hugs GJ xx
Humans are just crazy! Keep up the good work boys.
Hoomins. Sighs. SOOOO unappreciative. If we weren't such a superior species, we'd have to give up on them!
I guess your mom doesn't appreciate your kind of help. Looks like you are doing a great job to me.
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