Today I share a little Rumble rap. Is dedicated to my pal George the Duck
♫ I like small ducks
And I cannot lie
You other kitties can't deny
When a duck flies by with an itty bitty bill
And some tail-feathers in your face
You get
Chase the tail and the wing
Catch that ducky thing...

You iz 1 heck of a rapper rumbles!!
Someone get that cat a record deal, stat!
That is one super cool rap!
A true poet!
Wow! A rap dedicated to me? I am so honored! Thank you Rrrrrrrrrrrumble :)
I'm sure George The Duck have all the right movemnets right to do some dancing to this rap. He is such a cool guy! Did you hear that George?!
Mum says thank you very much for putting that tune in her head.
Me, I liked it.
Huffle Mawson
You constantly amaze us with your talents, Rumble! We are going to be singing that all day.
Hahahaha! You have put some big smiles on our faces:)
Rap ON! :) Talent is everywhere!! :)
Woo have such talent!
Are woo really FiftyOneCent?
Or maybe SirPurrAlot!
O M Ceiling Cat that was funny!!!
WOW!!! You can sure give LL Cool J a run for his money!!! WTG, Rappin' Rumble!!! We hope you guys have a great weekend!
Quite the tune you are hummin' there! Are you comin' out with a CD?
Awww. VERY cute!!!
Whoa, dog! Word UP! You got FLASH!
That is a great rap! Even better than the original! And we love that it is about George - he is one cool duck!
Hahaha! Now I cannot get that song out of my head!
Wow that is a cool rap.. Hugs GJ xx
Very cool rap! Is your rap name R-Bum??
Baby got quack! Great line!
You the man Rumble!
You two are cute, cute, cute... our ZH hasn't let us visit much lately (we're missing a lot)
cause she's spends all our 'puter time making
pictures of (other) kitties... we are ready
to scratch and claw away at her cause we hadn't even met you yet! And we very much like bof rumbles 'n bums! Happy Day down there to you! Maggy and Zoey, Zoolatry
That was so funny! You have all of us laughing over here! Thanks for a tweet tale during tweet week!
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